Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just What Is An Islamic Car?

Still remember the news about Proton wants to produce "Islamic" cars? A lot of people must be pondering what "trick" is Proton trying to play. After the news broke out for about two weeks, we have comments given by Dr Syed Ali Tawfik al-Attas, Director General of Institut Kefahaman Islamic Malaysia (IKIM).

I extracted a few paragraphs of Dr Syed's view to share with you:

The cars are apparently “expected to have Islamic features such as the compass kiblat reading and compartments for keeping the Quran and scarves.” A complete perusal of the article betrays the fact that the focus was not on making a car “Islamic”, but rather on using the term “Islamic” as an advertising tool purely for economic gain.

My concern here is that Islam and all its associated elements – namely, Islamic, Islamisation and so on – are being corrupted by those who know not, and know not they know not (la yadri wa la yadri annahu la yadri). Islam is not a religion for the feeble-minded, nor is it the handmaiden of politics or a cliché (cogankata) for advertising, business and economics.

The fact that the Muslim world today suffers politically, economically and intellectually is due in large part to the Muslims, and not Islam.

In my opinion, far from ennobling the Muslims and the Muslim world, such proposals like an “Islamic car” bring shame, and invite unnecessary ridicule.

Hello, Datuk Syed Zainal Abidin, did you hear that?
* Proton has reached a new low today 12.30pm @ RM3.66

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

No Foreign Partner For Proton

Look at what our respected minister said.
I guess they have over-estimated what "Persona" can do for Proton. A few months of good sales do not really mean "TURNAROUND". A simple comparison with Toyota, GM, Hyundai will tell you that our Proton does not have the capability to compete at all. Are they planning to sell the same model for the next 10-20 years under government protection?!

After the news was published, Proton share price tumbled RM0.92 or 18% - approximately RM505mil capitalization vanished in one day!!! Well well, market seems do not agree with the decision. Wanna re-consider the alliance? Better do so!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Food Foundry

不久前和大虾头到SS17的Food Foundry去品尝著名的Mille Crepe - 一种由大约20薄层法国绉层组成的法国点心. 它的味道十分香滑可口, 有别于一般甜腻的蛋糕. 加上Food Foundry的环境清幽, 最适合和朋友欢聚不过了. 首推Vanilla Mille Crepe, 一块蛋糕的售价介于RM8-9, 还算合理.

Food Foundry
地址: SS17 / Bangsar

Vanilla Mille Crepe (Yummy~)

生日礼物 - Fuji F40fd

今年的生日大虾头送了我一架Fuji F40fd. 大虾头知道我一直都想要一架新的相机, 但却因舍不得手上的Kodak DX7630而无法下手, 所以她决定"破费"买架给我. 很高兴因为从此以后可以告别在夜晚拍照模糊的困境. 在这里要感谢她!

Fuji F40fd 是续经典F30之后的超级夜光(傻瓜)相机, 在普吉岛之旅它可显尽威风, 无论在夜景或昏暗室内它都应付自如, 效果十分满意.

我的新相机-Fuji F40fd


Saturday, October 06, 2007


在大虾头的良好熏染之下, 我决定今天到国家图书馆去一游. 说起来瞒惭愧, 吃了这么大才第一次踏入自己国家的图书馆. 比起邻国的图书馆, 我国的面积大了许多, 但藏书量却普通而已, 周末的人也零零星星, 可能是本地比较流行"卖芢饼", 而不流行读书吧!

不论如何, 好书还是有的. 我一口气就借了3本:
1. Making Management Communication Persuasive
2. Financial Derivatives Markets & Applications in Malaysia
3. Inside the International Financial Futures and Options Markets


有兴趣的欢迎到国家图书馆来, 支持一下政府的号召, 塑造一个良好的读书风气. 国家图书馆坐落在Jalan Tun Razak, 在Istana Budaya不远. 会员费只是区区RM1而已, 便宜过邻国许多 - 国人实在是没有理由不支持!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Bursa Pursuit Begins Today

Heard of Bursa Pursuit? It is an online virtual investment game organized by Bursa with the aim to encourage people to learn share investing. The game starts today. Registration is free and there are over RM500,000 worth of prizes to be won!

So, give it a try! Who knows you would be the one winning the cash prize away.

* Started the game today, with a RM3k plus profit, ranked 268.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


JeffOoi has a very comprehensive coverage on the "March For Justice". It is a peaceful demonstration organised by Malaysia's Bar Council today (26 Sep 2007). I hope this will serve as a wake-up call to the government and all the Malaysian to review and clean up the judiciary.


Photos are taken from JeffOoi, click for more.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


妈妈是个标准的园丁, 只有她才有那种非凡的耐心去照顾家里的花花草草. 这一次回家, 特别为她的 作品拍几张照片, 放上网让大家欣赏.

Donut Factory

最近到新加坡公干, 很幸运的有空闲让我得以去买Donut Factory 来试试. DF 真的是叫新加坡人为之疯狂, 即使是周日的工作时间也得排上20-30分钟. 虽然辛苦, 但绝对值得一试. 一个SGD1.20, 买多有折.

首推: Double Chocolate, White Strawberry Heart, Hazelnut Milk Chocolate.

买了两盒, 一盒带回KL

忍不住, 先吃了一个...


Donut Factory
Visit Singaprore – Donut Factory

Friday, August 10, 2007

Market Turmoil - What Should We Do?

Not long ago, KLCI achieved its height at 1392 on 24-Jul-07. After approximately two weeks, the KLCI falls more than 100 points closed at 1287 today. Many investors (speculators) are panic with such volatile market and wonder whether is the bear coming.

Most analysts have blamed the turmoil as a result of the sub-prime mortgage default problem. One should note that the name of the "sub-prime" is already indicating its high-risk nature. With the higher crude oil and interest rate, it should not be surprised to see the increasing default rate. It is basically a mis-pricing of the credit spread and it is healthy for the market to have such correction.

Looking back to our Asian region, any potential problem that could lead to such a recession? So far, I don't see any. With the booming economy and rising middle classes, China is definitely going to be another super economy and India is the next one. Locally government has launched several mega projects, waived the RPGT, increased government servant payroll to further stimulate local consumption. These measures will help cushion the impact in the event the economy turned down.

So what should we do? My opinion is that market will continue fall in the short-term. Why? Simply because more and more investors will withdraw from the hedge funds and hedge funds will be forced to unwind position. Expect more bad news to come in the coming weeks.

1. Take this opportunity to do stock analysis
2. Look for companies that are under-valued, net cash (low debt) and having sound business model
3. Suggest utility and high DY companies.
4. Consider resource/commodity-based companies if the valuation is low enough

NEWS - A Bigger LCCT

PUTRAJAYA (August 9, 2007): A new low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) that can handle up to 30 million passengers per year will be built, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Located within the KL International Airport (KLIA) area and close to the main terminal, the project will take four years to complete.

Najib said the cost and the actual location of the new terminal which will be connected to the main terminal by rail service has not been finalised or identified.

Until this new facility is ready, he said the current LCCT near the KLIA, will be extended and upgraded, including work on the aprons and parking lots.

He said this after chairing the cabinet committee meeting on transport today.

Asked as to why a new terminal needed to be built when the current one will be expanded, Najib said it can take only between 10 and 15 million passengers per year, even with the extension.

It is learnt that with the projected pace of growth in low-cost control here and around the world, a bigger and better LCCT was needed.

"An immediate study will be done on the current LCCT's extension and upgrading works. An allocation will be finalised once the study is completed," Najib said, adding that the decision was made by the committee today.

He said that once the new LCCT terminal was completed, the old one will be convert for other use. He did not elaborate.

He said AirAsia would operate the new LCCT.

Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy, who is also a member of the committee, said the new location "is within KLIA and closer to the main terminal".

On other matters discussed, Najib said the commitee agreed in principle to build new bus terminals, walkways and park-and-ride system in Kuantan, Kota Kinabalu, Tawau and Sandakan.

He said the Transport Ministry would do a study on this within a month before anything was done.

The committee also approved RM72 million for Sabah to buy locomotives and rolling stock for 30 level crossings.

"(Of the sum) RM57 million will be in the form of an easy loan, and the rest will be a grant," he said.

Source: TheSunDaily

My comments:
1. The current LCCT was constructed in June 2005 and fully operational in Mar 2006. After operating less than two years, Malaysia realized that the current LCCT cannot handle the increasing passenger volume(?!) What happened to the feasibility study conducted prior to the construction of LCCT? Looking abroad, we have already seen the tremendous success of low-cost carriers such as Ryan Airline, Virgin Blue & etc. Shouldn't Malaysia be foresight enough before start off with any projects?

2. Quoted from Star:"Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy, who was at the meeting, said the current LCCT, which was first designed as a warehouse, would be converted into a cargo terminal when the new LCCT starts operations". Oh no, the LCCT is originally a warehouse!

3. I sincerely hope that the Transport Ministry can conduct a (really) comprehensive study for the new LCCT. Learn from other countries' experience and avoid expensive mistakes. We're a small country, but ambitious enough to carry out so many projects (IDR, NCER, Bakun & etc) at one time. Hope we're not over-stretching ourselves.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

NEWS - BMC Buka Jalan @ 24-JUN-07

今早出席了由皇冠城开路委员会所主办的”Pak Lah: No toll, show us highway contract”签名集会.目标是收集一万个签名去向首相请愿,希望政府能正视问题.


最新的消息说道Grand Saga将在这一条1.5km的道路上建造收费站.如果事情属实,那这将是天下第一笑话,因为这将是全球最短的收费道路,也是第一个把收费站建在住宅区内.再说这件事具有非常的关键性,一旦收费站成功建立起来,将标榜着政府允许道路公司延伸它们的收费站到住宅区-成为人民的大灾难!



皇冠镇建收费站,荒谬 (22/6/07)
路程仅1.5公里却要建收费站 (21/6/07)
第三场反对大道收费起价集会 本周日下午蕉赖11英哩举行(17/1/07)
冲破警察封锁线越过收费站 五百人兴致高昂抗议路费涨 (31/12/06)
强逼缴过路费就是苛政! 邓章钦:人民得杀掉老虎 (17/12/06)
过路费高涨出入被迫付两次 蕉赖皇冠镇居民第14次怒吼 (17/12/06)
Taking Their Woes To Parliament (31/8/06)
Second Protest Against Road Closure (4/7/06)
Residents Protest Closure (4/5/06)


这几天到过金加利茶餐厅的朋友, 有留意到桌上的IQ游戏题吗? 我见它的考题蛮有趣的, 就把它带回家, 顺便登在这里让有兴趣的你尝试:


P/S: 超级喜欢问题38, 有够”! (答案一个星期后才给)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

港澳六日游 - Day 5/6

25 Jun 2006
今天是个比较轻松的一天. 早上, 我们先到附近的点心店享用香港点心. 香港点心选择多, 馅料新鲜, 比起来本地的好吃多了. 结果叫了太多, 变成得打包做午餐. 接着就去了黄大仙庙和车公庙. 值得一提的是车公庙里有个金色的风车, 据说信徒用手去转个圈就会为自己带来好运气. 回时也顺便去了深水埗, 看看那里批发衣市的情形. 一些店也有做门市, 衣服是蛮便宜, 但却没有完善的更衣室, 所以没有什么收获.


26 Jun 2006
这天完全是血拼天, 从香港到澳门, 一路买东西. 在这里要告诉大家, 澳门大三芭的Watson所卖得化妆品, 香水都很便宜. 爱漂亮的女生都应该去那里看看有没有适合自己的用品. 过后, 我们便搭AirAsia从澳门回KL.


这里提供一些资料给打算自助旅行的朋友, 希望有所帮助:
HK MRT System Map
HK Observatory 7-Day Weather Forecast
Anne Black Guest House

必需吃/买 (澳门):

必需吃/买 (香港):

香港的治安良好, 交通方便, 路标清楚明显, 是最适合自助旅行不过. 只要事先安排妥当, 就可节省时间, 避免反复来回同样的旅程.

香港, 我们还会再去一次!

港澳六日游 - Day 4

24 Jun 2006
同样的, 我们这天也依着香港旅游局提供的漫步游路线中西区去. 这里可以见到经典的双层电车, Western Market, 还有许多售卖海味药材的店铺. 我们买了少许花祺参和蜜姜糖, 便到文武庙去拜拜.


Western Market


午餐我们到了著名的镛记烧鹅去, 它的烧鹅皮脆肉滑, 非尝不可. 吃后就去山顶和腊像馆. 回程时则乘搭天星小轮从灣仔回到尖沙咀, 尝尝搭油轮的滋味.




Sunday, May 06, 2007

"IPOD Shuffle"

前几天到Jusco Cheras Selatan 逛街吹冷气时, 无意间看到了这只玩意 “IPOD Shuffle”, 竟然只卖RM99而已(如图)!

"IPOD Shuffle"

原来这是个冒牌货, ”I-Clip”. 虽然如此, 但你不觉得它做得似模似样, 几可乱真吗? 天呀~ 实在是太佩服中国的仿造技术了! 店主还告诉我说原装的耳机效果不够好, 如果愿意可以另外买个更好的耳机来代替.

结果就在同一天, 我败了一只给他….


426日是我国最高元首登基日, 公司的同事都难得在这一天偷闲. 我可没那么幸运, 和两个同事去了新加坡做工. 我们寄宿在Calton Hotel. 我对那间酒店十分满意: MRT, shopping centre 都在五分钟的步程里; 房间里有LCD TV, 络也是超快的(最高600kb/sec)

Calton Hotel Room

Calton Club Window View

Chijmes (next to Calton Hotel)

白天做工, 晚上就是我们的活动时间啦. 我们去了:

  • Geylang Lorong 9 尝了那里著名的宫保田鸡 + 煎蚝 + 豆浆 + 油条
  • Orchard Road 尝了Tony Roma's Rib
  • Singapore Science Centre + Bugis Street + Bugis Buddhist Temple (星期六)
  • Marina Square 尝了Billy Bombers

背后是DHL Baloon

Singapore Science Centre (with Giap)

短短的几天, 我对新加坡有了另一种看法. 虽然我们常常讥笑新加坡人KIASI & KIASU, 但是我想说也就是因为他们有这一种心态, 才会时时鞭策自己不断向前迈进. 新加坡政府在吸引外资, 经济转型, 人才培育方面都做出很大的努力, 以确保它能在全球竞争下脱颖而出.

反观只隔一海的我们, 在拥有广阔土地, 丰富资源, 廉宜人力之下却步在邻国之后真的希望有一天我国可以超越新国, 成为亚太区域的一个经济强国.


Stock : MTDINFR (9768)
Full Name : MTD Infraperdana Bhd
EPS (cents) : 2.71 (2006); 3.28 (2005)
NTA (RM) : 0.74
Price (RM) : 1.12
Div (RM): 0.02 (2006); 0.02 (2005)
PE : 41 (2006)
DY : 1.8%
Recommend : BUY

Looking at the price movement of LITRAK (6645) from RM2.9x to RM3.6x, apparently market has started to price in the effect of the toll hike that took place since 1st January 2007. However, there is another counter which is also the “beneficiary” seems being ignored by the market. Its share price has hardly moved even though our KLCI has broken its historically height – it is MTD Infraperdana (9768). I hold MTD Infraperdana and strongly believe there is much upside in this counter due to the following reasons:

  • Toll concessionaire for KL-Karak Highway, East Coast Expressway 1, East-West Link Expressway and KL-Seremban Expressway.
  • Increasing new residential areas in Cheras, potential 9MP projects in east coast and Visit Malaysia Year 2007. East-West Link Expressway is one of the most heavily used road toll in KL, providing the direct link between Cheras and PJ (Federal Highway). 9MP projects in east coast will contribute higher traffic volume in ECE1. The company will also benefit from the VMY2007, as more tourists will go to Genting Highlands using KL-Karak highway.
  • Capital repayment of RM0.35. Based on the previous capital repayment experience, I will expect the RM0.35 capital repayment date to be formally announced in two month’s time.
  • Heavy repair work expected to end by 2H of 2007. This will free up additional cash flow for future cash distribution.
  • High borrowing? Not a major concern. Though the latest MTN issued in March 2007 balloons the company’s borrowing to RM1.2b, the operating cash flow of approximately RM100m per year is more than sufficient to cover (the concessionaire still has more than 20 years to go).
  • MTD Capital needs capital to fund overseas projects, especially in those riskier countries such as Indonesia. Most bankers reluctant to give out loans on risky projects. One of the alternatives that MTD Capital can source capital will be having its subsidiary MTD Infraperdana to distribute cash. As a minority shareholder, we can benefit indirectly (refer to BJTOTO’s case).

The DY may looks low now, but as mentioned the management is capable to declare higher dividend due to the toll hike and upon the completion of heavy repair work. Since the downside is limited, I would recommend MTDINFRA a BUY at RM1.11


万发海鲜饭店位置于Kajang市镇里, 在旧店屋后的河旁.
, 就问问那里的人吧(很难描述 ;P)!


那天我们点了咸蛋排骨, 菜卜非洲鱼, 炒莲藕, 还有一个忘了名字的青菜. 推当然是咸蛋排骨 松软的排骨煮熟了再沾上磨成粉状的咸蛋, 味道强烈芳香! 接下来是菜卜非洲鱼 先将菜卜切成细状, 爆炒之后撒满在新鲜的非洲鱼, 再淋上调了味的酱汁, 实在是美味可口.





看了照片, 是不是很想吃?
(价钱合理, 大约RM10-15一个人)

Monday, April 02, 2007

NEWS - 马桶吞人

记得几个星期前, 某人一不小心把东西给掉入我家的蹲式马桶"黑洞"里. 害得我到处寻找长长的夹子. 买了回来但却夹它不起来, 而且搞得自己又脏又臭. (晕~)

其实这种蹲式马桶蛮危险的, 那"黑洞"的口张得开开, 什么都吞得下. 星洲最近就有报道一个马桶吞人的故事(如图).


是不是好恐怖? 我再也不敢摸黑上厕了....

Sunday, April 01, 2007

NEWS - 吉華華小(H校)榮譽上榜

哈哈, 没想到我的小学竟然榮譽上榜, 真是面上有光啊... 哈哈!

* 星洲日報 - 吉華華小(H校)榮譽上榜

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Stock : COMMERZ (5843)
Full Name : Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings Berhad
EPS (cents) : 48.74 (2006); 30.50 (2005)
NTA (RM) : 3.73
Price (RM) : 9.95
P/B (RM): 2.67
Div (RM): 0.15 (2006); 0.15 (2005)
PE : 20 (2006)
Recommend : N/A

这次要介绍的是一间最近风头蛮劲的公司-COMMERZ. 对于这家公司的业务/未来展望我想不用多说(去Download Research来看吧, 多得是!). 这里要强调的是它2007-09的KPI (Key Performance Indicators):

注意! Total shareholders return: Outperform KLCI TSR and FBM100!
这是什么意思? 是不是买进的讯号呢?
嘿嘿, 我不知道...

* 载自TheEdgeDaily 22-03-2007: Headline KPIs of GLCs

Sunday, March 04, 2007

拜拜! 我的银马...

终于到了今天, 我必须向我心爱的银马说声:"拜拜!", 把它以贱价卖给了我的表弟.

这匹马说来可陪伴了我蛮长的一段时间. 自从我第一份工, 就是它载着我到处去跑, 也跟着我从槟城南下到吉隆坡. 记得有一次我用银马载我的一个同事, 她问我为何不换辆新车, 是不是因为银马"banyak berjasa"? 我笑着说是吧!

银马啊, 银马, 你真的是劳苦功高! 我相信表弟也会好好照顾你的.


