Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just What Is An Islamic Car?

Still remember the news about Proton wants to produce "Islamic" cars? A lot of people must be pondering what "trick" is Proton trying to play. After the news broke out for about two weeks, we have comments given by Dr Syed Ali Tawfik al-Attas, Director General of Institut Kefahaman Islamic Malaysia (IKIM).

I extracted a few paragraphs of Dr Syed's view to share with you:

The cars are apparently “expected to have Islamic features such as the compass kiblat reading and compartments for keeping the Quran and scarves.” A complete perusal of the article betrays the fact that the focus was not on making a car “Islamic”, but rather on using the term “Islamic” as an advertising tool purely for economic gain.

My concern here is that Islam and all its associated elements – namely, Islamic, Islamisation and so on – are being corrupted by those who know not, and know not they know not (la yadri wa la yadri annahu la yadri). Islam is not a religion for the feeble-minded, nor is it the handmaiden of politics or a cliché (cogankata) for advertising, business and economics.

The fact that the Muslim world today suffers politically, economically and intellectually is due in large part to the Muslims, and not Islam.

In my opinion, far from ennobling the Muslims and the Muslim world, such proposals like an “Islamic car” bring shame, and invite unnecessary ridicule.

Hello, Datuk Syed Zainal Abidin, did you hear that?
* Proton has reached a new low today 12.30pm @ RM3.66

1 comment:

Hsian said...

It is sad that there is another "backward move" recommended in our country. When are we going to have a broader view & constructive suggestions in order to survive well in the international world?