Wednesday, August 13, 2008











若 该大学日后开放给非土著,将是受欢迎的举措,就像任何由华社创办的学员,一向来都开放门户给各族群学生。我确信,这将促进各种族学生互相交融,这也是政府 在各项计划所要贯彻的精神。我们不要因为过去一星期出现言分歧论而自我分化,不论是关系到宗教或种族。让我们放眼一个共同目标,确保所有马来西亚人民都能 有最好的教育。


Source: MerdekaReview

Is Barisan 2004 Election Victory Legal?

GEORGE TOWN: The sum of RM218mil that a High Court has ordered Umno to pay for 2004 general election campaign materials exceeds the 2004 general election spending limit, said DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

He said in a press statement here Tuesday the Kuala Lumpur High Court judgment meant that the party had exceeded the spending limit of RM94.3mil at the maximum of RM200,000 per parliamentary constituency and RM100,000 per state constituency.

It was reported Tuesday that a High Court deputy registrar had ordered Umno to pay the sum to supplier Elegant Advisory Sdn Bhd for printed materials, transportation and mineral water used by the party in the 2004 general election.

Lim said that under Section 19 of the Election Offences Act 1954, a candidate could not spend more than RM200,000 and RM100,000 respectively for a parliamentary and state constituency.

"Umno had claimed that the campaign materials were for Barisan Nasional and had nothing to do with Umno. With 219 parliamentary seats and 505 state seats contested in the 2004 general elections, this means that a party like Barisan that contested all seats cannot spend more than RM94.3mil or else Barisan's victories are illegal.

"With RM218mil spent whether by Barisan or Umno on campaign materials alone, this is more than double the legally permitted amount," said Lim.

He said that spending above the limits imposed by the Elections Offences Act 1954 was an illegal practice under Section 27, and subject to a fine of RM5,000 by the Sessions Court, disqualification as a wakil rakyat and removal of rights as a voter.

"However, such laws are marked more by its breach than its compliance," he added.

Lim said this might now be an academic question since the 2004 general election had been superseded by the 2008 general election.

"The Election Commission’s failure to act and question the legality of the 2004 general election victories by the Barisan government not only makes a mockery of the very election laws it has drafted but also the spirit of democracy that votes should not be bought and sold," he said.

Source: The Star

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

What Every Aspiring Accountant Should Know About FX Rates

The first thing you should know is that FX spot rates are written with the base currency first and the terms currency second. (The base currency is the denominator currency. The terms currency is the numerator currency.) For example "USD/JPY 120.50" means 120.50 Yen per Dollar. BASE/TERMS is contrary to the way most people would write a fraction, but it is the convention of the market. What is the market convention for determining which currency is the base currency of a currency pair? There is a hierarchy of currencies: EUR, GBP, AUD, NZD, USD, CAD, JPY. Given a currency pair, the base currency will usually be the first one you reach in this list.

The second thing you should know is that FX spot rates are actually two day forward rates. That's because FX spot contracts are for settlement in two business days. If you agree to the spot trade on Monday, each party is expected to make payment two days later on Wednesday. The exception in USD/CAD. Spot settlement is only one business day forward for USD/CAD. There is an FX market for immediate delivery. It's called the cash market and the rate is called "the cash rate." Also, there is an FX market for next-day delivery. The rate is called "the tom rate." (Tom for tomorrow.) Note that the tom rate is the same as the spot rate for USD/CAD, because for USD/CAD, spot contracts already deliver the next day.

Finally, you must be aware that an FX spot rate should never be applied to an income statement item to change it into another currency. FX spot rates should only be applied to balance sheet items. A balance sheet is a snapshot in time and balance sheet items are balances that existed at that moment. An income statement shows change in balances over a period of time. If you were going to use an FX rate to change an income statement item to another currency, would you use the FX rate at the start of the period, the end of the period, or an average rate? The answer is none of the above. Do not apply FX rates to income statement items.

Here is an example. Suppose you are a US-based entity and you buy a European bond (1 million Euros face) for one month and then sell it. You want to calculate your PNL in USD.

Date EUR/USD Bond Price (EUR)
Jan 1 1.2050 100
Feb 1 1.0050 101

Here is how NOT to calculate the PNL in USD.
(1,000,000 EUR) x (1.01 - 1.00) x (1.0050 USD per EUR) = 10,050 USD

This is the correct way to calculate the PNL in USD:
[(1,000,000 EUR) x (1.01) x (1.0050 USD per EUR)] - [(1,000,000 EUR) x (1.00) x (1.2050 USD per EUR)] = -189,950 USD

In this example the bond has increased in price by one Euro cent. But the US-based investor lost money on the position, because the Euro weakened dramatically over the period. Notice that in the correct calculation we are applying FX rates only to balance sheet amounts.

Saturday, August 02, 2008









8、做事不如做人,人脉决定成败。一个人有多少钱并不是指他拥有多少钱的所有权,而是指他拥有多少钱的使用权。一个人具备多少能力,不只是说他一个人的时候能做什么,还包括他能通过别人做什么。一个人赚的钱,12.5%是靠自身的知识,87.5%则来自人脉关系。三十岁以前靠专业赚钱,三十岁以后拿人脉赚 钱。所以,请好好珍惜大学期间建立起来的人脉关系。这几年你认识的朋友可能会是你毕业以后最可宝贵的财富。



11、研究生扩招的速度是30%,也就意味着硕士学历贬值的速度是30%。千万不要以为考研究生就是积极进取的表现。对于很多人而言,考研不过是一种消极 逃避的方式罢了。对于绝大多数人而言,读研究生纯粹是浪费时间浪费金钱,立志从事科研、学术的人及其他少数人除外。



14、求职简历必须突出自己的核心竞争力。求职的时候大可不必像严守一那样“有一说一”,必要的时候恰到好处地说一些谎言是非常有用的。一份求职简历只要 用一张A4纸做个表格就足够了。很多女生的求职简历就像是写真集,不但浪费钱,而且对求职毫无用处。面试其实是有规律的,每次面试的时候只要背标准答案就 行了……

15、垃圾是放错位置的人才。所以,在找工作的时候一定要把自己放到那个让你成为人才而不是垃圾的职位上。当然,前提是你要知道自己究竟想做什么、究竟适 合做什么。世界上最大的悲剧莫过于有太多的年轻人从来没有发现自己真正想做什么。骑驴找马固然没错,可是,并非随便找一头驴就能找到千里马。所以,一定要 重视第一份工作。



18、大学期间一定要多去图书馆多去自习室。很多书你现在不读,一辈子就再也没有机会去读了。虽然不是每本书看了都一定有用,但是,因为你不知道究竟哪本 书以后会有用,所以只好多看书,并且抛弃那些过于功利的想法。尽管每次网到鱼的不过是一个网眼,但要想捕到鱼,就必须要编织一张网。